Monday, July 11, 2011

Salvador Dali - Spellbound

This is some set design work created by Dali for a movie made in 1945 called Spellbound. I have two images of this, his pre-sketch for the set which was oil paint on masonite, below.

and also one of the final result on the set for the movie.

What I like in the contrast of the two images is the introduction of a human scale into the intial plan, and then how this results in the final outcome. Also what I find interesting is how the painting transitions into a background, the intial image is my favourite because you can see the work that has been put into it i.e the paint strokes and pencil, you can identify the medium. What I like about the photograph is that you can see the age, you can identify a time period. However with the uniqueness of the backdrop it blurs this period even though you know when it is, its hard to know where it is.

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