Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Monday, July 11, 2011

José Guadalupe Posada - Calavera Revolucionaria

What I like about this image is the technique used to make it, the artist was a mexican engraver.

Salvador Dali - Spellbound

This is some set design work created by Dali for a movie made in 1945 called Spellbound. I have two images of this, his pre-sketch for the set which was oil paint on masonite, below.

and also one of the final result on the set for the movie.

What I like in the contrast of the two images is the introduction of a human scale into the intial plan, and then how this results in the final outcome. Also what I find interesting is how the painting transitions into a background, the intial image is my favourite because you can see the work that has been put into it i.e the paint strokes and pencil, you can identify the medium. What I like about the photograph is that you can see the age, you can identify a time period. However with the uniqueness of the backdrop it blurs this period even though you know when it is, its hard to know where it is.


first day, first post. gonna find some precedents